7 Dead, 2 In Coma After Drinking Sanitizer Because The Alcohol Is Over

The first thing that strikes our mind when we talk about Russia is the way they consume crazy amounts of vodka just like water. Well, in the times of Corona, a surprising thing has happened in Putin’s nation. A lockdown party has topped the headlines of the daily news. The party was held in a Russian village.

Getting into the details, this now infamous liquor party was held in a village located in the Tatinsky district. It is said that a total of 9 people participated in the party. Soon after a while, they ran out of alcohol and the desperate gang started searching for ways to find some. For some reason, they all headed towards the sanitizer bottles and started galloping some instantly. With the intense chemicals in the bottles, seven of them instantly lost their lives while the two of them are in a coma now.

The further details from the local newspapers reveal that the people who participated in the party include two men aged 27 and 59, including a 41-year-old lady.

Chemically speaking, the bottle of sanitizer they all consumed has around 69 percent of Methanol which is used to kill the deadly microorganisms. Right after consuming the sanitizer, three of them fell down and took their last breath, while, the other three were admitted to a hospital using a helicopter, all of them are in a coma as of now.

After this incident baffled everyone in the country, the Russian government has officially passed a statement urging the country’s people not to drink any kind of sanitizer. In the statement, the government appealed that the sanitizers would be fatal for the health.

On the corona front, there are over 2 million cases of the disease victims in Russia so far and more than 35,000 have lost their lives because of the pandemic.