Hidden Letter About Sardar V Patel & Jawaharlal Nehru’s Relationship

On the eve of the 144th birth anniversary of the celebrated hero of the Indian past, valiantly called as ‘Iron Man of India’ Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. His birthday is called the ‘Day of Unity’ in India. Today, let us talk about the kind of relationship he has with Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, and a freedom fighter. The kind of bonding Patel and Nehru share is mostly political. Current Prime Minister Modi is seen saying that things would have been different if Patel was chosen as the Prime Minister instead of Nehru.

Coming to the actual facts, we have two letters talking about the bonding between Patel and Nehru. These two were written by both of them to each other when India got freedom in 1947, and Nehru is declared as the Prime Minister of the newly formed country where Sardar Patel is chosen as the Home Minister. The way Patel made it into the cabinet is quite interesting. Soon after the British left, there was a debate on who would be running the government and who would sit in the cabinet.

On the 1st of August, 1947, Nehru penned a letter to Patel, the content of the letter is too formal, it resonates with the relationship they both share politically. The dialogues written by Nehru for the Patel read, “I am writing this letter to invite you to join the cabinet as some formalities have to be maintained. This letter has no significance because you are a strong pillar of the cabinet.”

To this letter from Nehru, Patel replied on the 3rd of August, “Many thanks for your August 1 letter, the love, and affection for each other has been our lasting friendship for almost 30 years. It has no place for formality. Hope you find my service subject to you. You will receive my pure and complete loyalty, devotion. For which other men of India have not sacrificed and sacrificed … “.