Kim Jong Un Building An Army Of Killer Dolphins! To Fight What?

Ever since the beginning of North Korea’s unconditional dictator Kim Jong Un, North Korea has always been on news for one or another weird thing. Now, again, the same is happening because the eccentric dictator has ordered to build an army of killer dolphins after successfully accomplishing the control over the worked-out destructive missiles and nuclear bombs. The country under Kim Jong is right now training their dolphins on the US lines in order to destroy the enemies. This army will be coming under navy.

Getting into the details, this Naval Marine Mammal Program has begun five years back in October of 2015. The photographs revealed by the United States Naval Institute says so. This training situation was first acknowledged at a shipyard where the coal is offered, along with the black water, some warships were seen. The second camp was set at Nampo in October 2016. The breeding of the dolphins is carried forward here.

This aspect of using dolphins has started with the United States, they specialize in training the mammals for combat. Dolphins are capable of recognizing landmines and torpedoes. In a similar attire, during the wars, Russia has deployed beluga whales, dolphins, and seals in the water.

The satellite images imply that the fence built by North Korea was meant for the dolphins. The training is conducted in Pyongyang. Russia has been quite active in these kinds of activities, they even won the wars with the help of this smartest fish. It all started with the Russian Navy launching the Marine Mammal Project in the 1990s in response to America’s. It all came to the limelight when a giant whale named Beluga reached Norway in 2019, in the month of April.

On the other hand, Russia is taking forward another Navy marine mammal program in the regions of Arctic.