Russia To Deliver ‘Sputnik V: COVID Vaccine’ In January, Cost Of It?

The world is not even done with the first wave of the pandemic, and some of the countries are already going through the deadly second wave consuming thousands of lives every month. The pandemic is absolutely out of control, all the leading tech and medicine expert countries are trying their best to come up with the vaccine to cure and avoid the disease at all costs. So, far, Great Britain, and Russia are leading the game, and India is almost in the race of coming up with the vaccine. However, it is Russia’s vaccine that is believed to be the most forward one, tested and approved with more than 90% efficiency.

Since the cure has almost become impossible, it is just the prevention that can save us all together. The hope for the vaccine is expected to bring fruitful results. Well, with Russia ahead of everyone in the race, it is even said that Putin, the President of Russia has tested the vaccine on his own daughters and the results are great. The Russian government named this precious vaccine ‘Sputnik V’.

And, answering the fear of the people about the fear of affordability, they confirmed that the vaccine will not cost people more than Rs 740. Meanwhile, it will be distributed for free to all the citizens of Russia. It is mentioned that every person has to take two doses of Sputnik V. These details were given out on Tuesday by RDIF, spelled: Russian Direct Investment Fund.

This unique vaccine is developed by the renowned scientists at the Gemelia National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology. The statement also mentioned that the first International delivery will be done in January of 2021. While the efficiency of the Sputnik V is quite great and is up to 91.4 percent post the 28 days of the first dose.